Tinted windows are one of the more controversial modifications that can be made to vehicles. Although they are permitted in some locations, they are not permitted in other places. It is important for everyone to understand exactly why they are permitted or not permitted, and the consequences that might result from this modification.

While there is a lot to know and understand about it, this is some information that you need to consider before buying a used car with a tinted car window that you already have.
Law by Country
There are various laws in each state regarding dark windows, and for various reasons. Most states have strict laws that state that the law exists to help protect police officers and other members of law enforcement. They allow individuals to hide their actions, which may include weapons in some cases. Lack of them, especially in the front, helps eliminate that risk.
Some countries only dictate how heavy it is, with some allowing near black-outs and others only allowing a little color. Other countries determine how to apply it – some must disappear from one side or from the top down. There are some countries that do not allow you to color them, or only allow you to have the back of your vehicle finished.
Those who do not follow the laws in their country will find that there are some penalties that can be assessed. Some states, such as the state of Michigan, provide options for those who are trapped with them. If individuals who have been given a ticket for the tinted window provide a receipt and proof that they have removed the tint from their window, the ticket will be discarded. This is done to do more than just “hinder” individuals from using coloring, but to really make citizens get rid of offensive stains.
Those who are fortunate enough to be in a state that does not have a law on tinted windows will find that almost everyone has some kind of tint on their windows. This coloring has two different objectives – the first goal is to make the car look smart and sexy. Another goal is for privacy, keeping others from looking inside the vehicle.
They can help make the car look more attractive, more sporty and sexy. For many people, the dark windows put the finishing touches on cars which are all about appearance and beauty. Although this is permitted in some states, this is not permitted in other countries. You only need to work to understand the laws in your area or take the consequences of owning them. For some people, windows are commensurate with unlawful consequences. Others will only wait until they move to a different location before they use the tinted windows on the vehicle.